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Adrian Nelson
Adrian Nelson

Curl Php Extension For Facebook

I'm trying to run my first facebook php application on my apache server.It gives error Facebook needs the CURL PHP extension.. I have added line extension=php_curl.dll in php.ini and it runs normally in phpStorm ide.But it still gives error in web browser when I put php files into apache directory and run server manually.

curl php extension for facebook

i am using wamp on windows 7 64-bit. i have downloaded fixed curl extension versionphp_curl-5.3.13-VC9-x64.zipfrom url -5-4-3-and-php-5-3-13-x64-64-bit-for-windows/and the issue is resolved.please keep php version in mind while download extension. I have downloaded this version as i am using php version 5.3.13

Problem is, I have curl extension enabled (uncommented in php.ini). When I run phpinfo(), it says it's enabled.Only clue I have is that when I run $ php -m, 'curl' line is missing but I don't know what to do about it.

After installing composer using the command curl -sS php just run a sudo apt-get update then reinstall curl with sudo apt-get install php5-curl. Then composer's installation process should work so you can finally run php composer.phar install to get the dependencies listed in your composer.json file.

For anyone who encounters this issue on Windows i couldn't find my answer on google at all.I just tried running composer require ext-curl and this worked.Alternatively add the following in your composer.json file:

According to you could extend your local composer.json to state that it provides the extension (which it doesn't really do - that's why you shouldn't publicly publish your package, only use it internally).

I have Archlinux with php 7.2, which has Curl integrated, so no amount of configuration voodoo would make Composer see ext-curl, that PHP could see and work with happily. Work around is to use Composer with --ignore-platform-reqs.

Regarding the documentation, Installation steps are mentioned at , which you can find on the Facebook Live Stream Project page at Resources Section. I added the requirements section to that document. Normally php curl will be installed in any hosting service, so did not mention it explicitly before.

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Facebook needs the CURL PHP extension.' in /data/multiserv/users/150860/projects/2136783/www/catalog/includes/classes/base_facebook.php:19 Stack trace: #0 /data/multiserv/users/150860/projects/2136783/www/catalog/includes/classes/facebook.php(17): require_once() #1 /data/multiserv/users/150860/projects/2136783/www/catalog/includes/login-facebook.php(3): require('/data/multiserv...') #2 /data/multiserv/users/150860/projects/2136783/www/catalog/login.php(28): require('/data/multiserv...') #3 main thrown in /data/multiserv/users/150860/projects/2136783/www/catalog/includes/classes/base_facebook.php on line 19

Problem is, I have curl extension enabled (uncommented in php.ini). When I run phpinfo(), it says it's enabled. Only clue I have is that when I run $ php -m, 'curl' line is missing but I don't know what to do about it.

WD php: Exception: Facebook needs the CURL PHP extension. in require_once() (line 19 of E:\wamp\www\foo\sites\default\modules\contrib_modified\fbconnect\facebook-php-sdk\src\base_facebook.php). Drush command terminated abnormally due to an unrecoverable error.

Drush uses a different php.ini than the web server does. The phpinfo() you are looking at above is from your web server's php.ini. Run drush status to see the path to the php.ini that Drush is using. Then, compare the two and copy directives from the web server php.ini, such as the directives that enable the CURL PHP extension and memory_limit, and put them in Drush's cli php.ini. Then everything should work fine.

It is possible that the author meant, or the plugin was created at a time when still existed as a service, or it could also be an error in the DNS config for the domain, it is no longer possible to clearly interpret this from our side, in in each case, the reason is the current status of the DNS zone for

Can you please help me with this problem? How does this problem affect the webpage, the connection with Facebook and the display of products on Facebook? Is it possible to remove the error with

What is PHP/cURL? The module for PHP that makes it possible for PHP programs to access curl functions within PHP. cURL support is enabled in PHP, the phpinfo() function will display in its output. You are requested to check it before writing your first simple program in PHP.

Note: Note to Win32 Users In order to enable this module on a Windows environment, libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll, or, as of OpenSSL 1.1 libcrypto-*.dll and libssl-*.dll, must be present in your PATH. Also libssh2.dll must be present in your PATH. You don't need libcurl.dll from the cURL site.

Working on the server side does not necessarily imply that all the required information needs to be present on the database of the site on which we are working. As a matter of fact, growing parts of the information that is used on the server side comes from external sources, often via an API that allows some kind of service to provide information to the website without having access to the database on the remote site. To utilize this information, we can use the cURL built-in PHP extension.

cURL is a PHP extension, that allows us to receive and send information via the URL syntax. By doing so, cURL makes it easy to communicate between different websites and domains. This tutorial includes 5 common cases for the use of cURL, and they include:

To get additional information about the request, we use the curl_getinfo command that enables us to receive important technical information about the response, including the status code (200 for success) and the size of the downloaded file.

Using PHP's cURL extension provides us with a convenient way to communicate with other web sites, particularly with APIs that are provided by a third party. In the next tutorial, we will learn how to request for private details in the name of users that sign in to our website with their GitHub account. It will be done by using Github's API, and with the help of cURL. The tutorial will be a good starting point for learning how to make a social login with any social network.

Speaking about me and those social counters, ahh... thus I was able to enable them and got some counters actually working after enabled php-curl, they never showed anything close to real count. I'm not sure foremost, but I guess service providers like Facebook and Twitter are shutting down (depreciated) their API's and ... I will stick with the default Facebook like and share button for now. See: Facebook share button for Drupal views

So open the login_facebook.php file in your Code Editor of choice then start the session, include the database connection file and set the App ID, App Secret and Redirect URI into variables as so:

cURL (Client URL) is a computer client that allows users to manipulate files from FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, and GOPHER protocols enabled servers. Enabling the Curl PHP extension from WHM root is fairly simple. Let me show you how.

After nearly a decade of hard work by the community, Johnny turned the GHDB over to Offensive Security in November 2010, and it is now maintained as an extension of the Exploit Database. Today, the GHDB includes searches for other online search engines such as Bing, and other online repositories like GitHub, producing different, yet equally valuable results.

In short, Curl error: 28 (OPERATION_TIMEOUTED) happens when the curl request from the website takes too much time to complete. Today, we saw the typical reasons for the timeout and how our Support Engineers fix it.

The Selenium WebDriver APIs (or Selenium WebDriver Bindings) for PHP support was initially developed & maintained by Facebook under facebook/webdriver. However, it is now called php-webdriver and maintained by the community.

Along with curl, we will enable other extensions as well that would be required for Selenium test automation. Shown below is the list of extensions that we have enabled in php.ini available in our system:

PHP-WebDriver (earlier called facebook/php-webdriver ) is the language binding for Selenium WebDriver that lets you control the web browsers (under test) from PHP. It is compatible with all major Selenium server versions, i.e., 2.x, 3.x, and 4.x.

PHPUnit provides complete support for Selenium WebDriver APIs in the php/webdriver (or facebook/webdriver) package. From PHPUnit 1.8.0 onwards, the package has been renamed from facebook/webdriver to php/webdriver. Selenium web automation tests can be accomplished using this package.

For PHP versions earlier than 7.2, the TestCase class was called PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase, but we recommend using the latest PHP version (i.e., 9.3) since extensions for Selenium PHP are only compatible with newer versions of PHP (7.2 and above).

However, parallel testing in PHPUnit is supported through ParaTest. ParaTest is a command-line tool that lets you run PHPUnit Framework tests in parallel without the necessity of installing any extensions. ParaTest thereby accelerates the execution speed of functional tests, cross-browser tests, as well as integration tests.

PHPUnit is the default unit testing framework in PHP; hence it does not require any separate installation. Parallel testing in PHPUnit can be performed using ParaTest, a popular tool that sits on top of the PHPUnit framework. It can be used without installing any additional extensions.

Version 5 of the SDK runs on PHP 5.4 or greater with the mbstring extension installed. If you're still on PHP 5.3, you really need to upgrade since 5.3 reached EOL and is no longer getting security updates. While you're at it, why not just install PHP 5.6!


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